







By calling on the merciful name of Allah the most merciful, the compiler praises and thanks to Allah SWT who has given grace, and His guidance to us. Because without the blessing of His author cannot finish a paper entitled "The Negative Impact of Early Marriage for Women" is as it should be.

In addition, the authors say thanks as much as possible to all parties who assist the authors in completing the paper about the sustainable development goals. Both in providing advice and feedback, as well as other help. Especially for lecturers who provide teaching and understanding of this paper.

The authors realize there are still many shortcomings of this compilation paper. Both from content and systematics of writing. Therefore, the authors are open when there are suggestions and inputs. Thanks for the attention and responses of readers.

Jatinangor, December 13, 2017





A. Background 1
B. Problem Formulation 1
C. Research Objectives 2
D. Research Benefits 2

A. Factors Driving Early Marriage 3
B. Regulating Law on Early Marriage 4
C. Negative Early Marriage for Women 6

A. Conclusion 8
B. Suggestion 8



A. Background 
Marriage is a binding ceremony that is celebrated or executed by two people with means to formalizing marriage bonds by religious norms, legal norms, and social norms. The wedding ceremony has many variations according to tribal, religious, cultural, and social class. The use of custom or certain rules is sometimes related to certain rules or religious laws as well. The definition of early marriage itself is a marriage performed by a couple who have underage age who are usually under 17 years. Both men and women if not old enough (17 Years) if marriage can be said to be an early marriage. In Indonesia, this early marriage is happening, not only in the village but also in the city 

In the marriage law mentioned that the ideal marriage is a 21-year-old man and 19-year-old woman, at that age someone who has married into adulthood, so it is able to assume responsibilities and their respective roles, both as a husband or as a wife. However, in reality, there are many early marriages, namely marriages that occur between men and women who are immature under the law as well as in the psychological perspective. This can happen due to several factors. 

In reality, early marriage will cause a negative impact on the perpetrator especially women because it can affect personal health and social life. Therefore there is need a deeper research to overcome this phenomenon. In order to decrease women who become victims of this early marriage phenomenon. 

B. Problem Formulation 
1. What are the driving factors for early marriage? 
2. Which laws govern the early marriage? 
3. What are the negative impacts of early marriage for women? 

C. Research Objectives 
1. To know the factors that encourage early marriage. 
2. To find out the laws governing early marriage. 
3. To know the negative impact of early marriage for women. 

D. Research Benefits 
1. For writers, get a deeper understanding of early marriage. Both the driving factors, the laws that govern them, and their negative impact on women. 
2. For readers, get additional reference material if will do further research related to this problem. 
3. For the community, helping to create gender equality which is one of the goals of sustainable development. 
4. For the government, get a warning to pay more attention to this early marriage problem. 


A. Factors Driving Early Marriage 
1) Economic factors 
Economic difficulties become one of the factors causing the occurrence of early marriage, families experiencing economic difficulties will tend to marry off their children at a young age to make an early marriage. This marriage is expected to be a solution for family economic difficulties, with marriage is expected to reduce the economic burden of the family, so it will be a little to overcome economic difficulties. In addition, low economic problems and poverty cause parents to be unable to meet the needs of their children and unable to finance the school so that they decide to marry off their children in the hope that they are free to take responsibility for financing their children's lives or in the hope that their children can earn a better life. 

2) Parents 
On the other hand, early marriage can also be caused by the influence of even the coercion of parents. There are several reasons for parents to marry off their children early, because fear their children fall into promiscuity and have negative consequences; because it wants to perpetuate the relationship with its relation by way of matching the child with the relation or the child's relation; matching his son with his son on the grounds that his wealth does not fall to others, but still held by the family. 

3) Accidents (marriage by accident) 
The occurrence of pregnant out of marriage, because children make a relationship that violates the norm, forced them to do an early marriage, in order clarify the status of the child conceived. This marriage forced them to marry and be responsible for the role as husband and wife and father and mother, so this will eventually impact on premature aging because they are not ready on mental or psychic. Besides, with pregnancy out of marriage and parents fear the occurrence of pregnancy outside marriage encourages his son to marry at a young age. 

4) Continuing the relationship 
Early marriage in this case deliberately done and everything has been prepared because it is done in order to perpetuate the relationship that exists between both of them. This causes them to marry at a young age (early marriage) so that their relationship status there is the certainty. In addition, this marriage is done in order to avoid the actions that are not in accordance with the norms of religion and society. With this marriage is expected to bring a positive impact for both. 

5) Because of the tradition in the family (early marriage habit of the family due to not be said to be an old spinster). 
In some families, it can be seen that there is a tradition or habit of marrying their offspring at a young age, and this goes on and on so that the children in the family will automatically follow the tradition. In families who adhere to this habit, it is usually based on the knowledge and information obtained that in Islam there is no age limit for marriage, the important is mumayyis (baligh) and sensible, so it should be married. 

6) Due to local customs and customs. 
Customs that believed by peoples increasing the percentage of early marriage in Indonesia. For example, the belief that should not reject the proposal of a child to her daughter even though still under the age of 18 years is sometimes considered disdainful and insulting cause parents marry his daughter. The interesting thing about the percentage of early marriage in Indonesia is the significant comparison between rural and urban. Based on the analysis of inter-census population surveys (SUPAS) 2005 from the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN), marriage rates in urban areas were lower than in rural areas, for the 15-19 year age group the difference was quite high at 5.28% in urban areas and 11, 88% in the countryside. This indicates that young women in rural areas are more likely to marry at a young age. 

B. Regulating Law on Early Marriage 
The family is the smallest unit of society consisting of father, mother, and child. The family is formed from the bond of love between an adult male and an adult woman who is inaugurated by marriage, in accordance with the marriage of religion and applicable law. 
According to law No. 1 of 1974 it is stated that: 


Article 6 
(1) The marriage shall be based on the consent of the two prospective brides. 
(2) In order to marry a person who has not reached the age of 21 (twenty-one) years must obtain permission from both parents. 
(3) In the event that either of the two parents has died or is unable to state his or her intention, the permit referred to in paragraph (2) of this article is sufficient to be obtained from a living parent or from a parent capable of expressing his will. 
(4) In the event that both parents have died or are unable to express their will, the consent is obtained from the guardian, the carer or the family who has blood relationships in the bloodline straight up as long as they are alive and in a state of their will. 
(5) In the case of any disagreement between persons mentioned in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of this article, or one or more of them not expressing their opinion, the Court within the jurisdiction of the person will establish a marriage upon the request of the person may grant permission after first hearing the persons referred to in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of this article. 
(6) The provisions of paragraphs (1) to paragraph (5) of this article shall apply as long as the laws of their respective faiths and beliefs of the other do not specify otherwise. 

Article 7 
(1) Marriage is only permitted if the man has reached the age of 19 (nineteen) years and the woman has reached the age of 16 (sixteen) years. 
(2) In the case of a deviation from paragraph (1) of this article may request a dispensation to the Court or another Officer appointed by both the male and the female parent. 
(3) The provisions concerning the circumstances of one or both parents in Article 6 paragraph (3) and 
(4) of this Law shall also apply in the case of the dispensation request referred to in paragraph (2) of this article with no prejudice to that referred to in Article 6 paragraph (6). 

So to form a family must be prepared with a mature among couples who will form the family must have grown, either biologically or pedagogically or responsibly. For men must be ready to assume responsibility as the head of the family, so obliged to provide for family members. For a woman she must be ready to be a housewife who is in charge of housekeeping, childbirth, educating and caring for children. 

C. Negative Early Marriage Impacts for Women 
1) Education is broken: Early marriage causes women to drop out. This has an impact on the low level of women's knowledge and access to information. 
2) Domestic violence: the dominance of the couple due to unstable psychic condition causes emotion so that can affects Domestic Violence (KDRT). Where women are always victims 
3) Poverty: two children who get married early tend to not have enough income or even not yet work. This is what causes early marriage vulnerable to poverty. 
4) Child psychological health: mothers who are pregnant at an early age will experience prolonged trauma, lack of socialization and also experience confidence crisis 
5) Children born: As a growing child experiences the process of pregnancy, there is a nutritional competition with the fetus it contains, so the weight of pregnant women is often difficult to rise, may be accompanied by anemia due to nutritional deficiencies, and the risk of giving birth to infants with low birth weight. It was found that about 14% of babies born to teenage mothers under 17 years old are premature. Children at risk of mistreatment and/or neglect. Various studies show that children born from early marriage are at risk of developmental delay, learning difficulties, behavioral disorders, and tend to be parents also at an early age 
6) Reproductive Health: Pregnancy at the age of fewer than 17 years increases the risk of medical complications, both in the mother and in the child. Pregnancy at a very young age is apparently correlated with maternal mortality and morbidity. Mentioned that girls aged 10-14 years are five times more likely to die during pregnancy or labor than those in the 20-24 age group, while the risk is doubled in the 15-19 age group. This is because the child's reproductive organs are not well developed and the pelvis is also not ready for childbirth. Data from UNPFA in 2003, showing 15% -30% of deliveries at an early age accompanied by chronic complications, namely obstetric fistulas. A Fistula is a damage to the female organs that cause leakage of urine or feces into the vagina. In addition, it also increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and transmission of HIV infection. 


A. Conclusion 
So basically the cause of early marriage is a socio-cultural problem in the Society. Actually, the government has tried to overcome it through the formation of laws. Although the reality is not working properly. The impact of early marriage is very detrimental to the perpetrators, especially women. 

B. Suggestions 
It's good if people start thinking rationally in this modern age. And start separating which cultures should be stopped and which ones still have to be preserved. The government must also start to ensure that the laws that have been made run properly. So that gender equality which is one of the sustainable development goals can be achieved. 


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